

You want to do the right thing for your North Carolina family law 和 皇冠足彩 case. 第二意见可能是一件非常好的事情. 在代理过程中, you may become dissatisfied with your attorney or simply want a second opinion, 就像你对医生那样. A second opinion is always in order, 和 your current attorney should welcome a second opinion. However, you can obtain a second opinion without telling your existing attorney, if you wish. You should be comfortable 和 confident in your attorney at this most trying time in your life.

在你的案子开始时, it may be difficult to know how complex or how simple your case will be. This also may be the first time you have used a lawyer for anything as major as a 皇冠足彩, 监护权或家庭法律问题. 也, finding an attorney that is compatible with both your personality, communication style 和 the needs of your case might be difficult, so do not feel bad about seeking a Second Opinion.

Make sure you get a second opinion on a North Carolina family law, 监护权, 皇冠足彩, equitable distribution matter or for an appeal from someone who is experienced 和 competent in your particular family law issues. Ask the Second Opinion attorney: “how many cases like mine have you h和led? How many have your h和led in the particular County where your case is pending?”

看看第二意见律师的网站. Ask yourself some questions: Is your attorney a North Carolina Family Law Specialist, 哪一个。, for a Second Opinion in any case with complexity, 会是个不错的选择吗? Is there content on the Second Opinion Attorney’s website dealing with the area of family law, 所以你需要第二意见? Do you think you would enjoy working with this particular attorney?

After you have selected the family law attorney for the Second Opinion, be prepared for the conference with the attorney, 如果可能的话. 带上所有的法庭文件, as no attorney can give you a valid opinion on the status of a lawsuit without seeing the underlying pleadings (paperwork) in the lawsuit. If you have signed an agreement with the opposing party, you need to bring that as well. If property is the issue, bring with you the property division affidavit, if this has been done. Bring settlement offers, if offers 和 counteroffers have been made.

为会议放松一下. Be prepared to explain what the “gripe” is about your current attorney. 是沟通方式吗?? Is it confrontation style (not aggressive enough or too aggressive)? Is it that you have formed a lack of confidence in the attorney? These three questions form the basis of many reasons for 第二个意见.

It is difficult to give a Second Opinion on whether a court determination needs to be appealed without the following: 1) the signed court order; 2) the transcript of the hearings; 3) the exhibits for the hearing. Perhaps you will want to start the process of the Second Opinion without these items, 但至少要拿到法院签署的命令. 为什么? 好吧, written court orders may differ or seem to differ from what the judge said in court, 和 the basis of the appeal will be an appeal of the written order in most cases.

要有耐心, as Rome was not built in a day; your objectives will not likely be able to be realized in a day either.

If you do change attorneys, make sure you get all file items from your prior attorney. 没有紧急事项, give your prior attorney 7 to 10 business days notice to make your file available to your new attorney.

I walked into the Woodruff Family Law Office with a huge mess, a few years in the making. Carolyn Woodruff was able to make sense of my file 和 build a strong case in my support. When she is involved, there is no question of timeliness 和 efficiency. Carolyn’s no-nonsense, straight-forward approach never leaves you guessing as to what is going on. She listens well, is smart, 和 runs a law firm full of support 和 hospitality. B.P.
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